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 At St. Paul United Church of Christ, we are dedicated to outreach efforts and strive to make a difference.  We invite you to learn more and lend your support.

Hermann Area Ministerial Alliance provides emergency assistance with gas, utility and rent,  overnight accommodations, tending livestock/pets, and financial guidance when everyday needs become too difficult.   It assists with visiting the sick and lonely, can help with minor home maintenance and makes referrals to local groups and state agencies.

Samaritan Outreach working under Ministerial Alliance provides gently used clothing, furniture and basic household items. St. Paul takes an offering every 5th Sunday to support the Alliance.  To assist with collecting or delivering donated furniture, sorting donated clothing, or to make a charitable donation, please contact Pastor Dave at 573.569.2082  or Maureen Heck at 573.486.2959.

Our pastor shares a worship service at Victorian Place Residential Center and Stone Bridge Senior Living Center one Sunday of each month.  We rotate with other local churches to fill the month. Church members assist with music and service needs.  

The Hermann Community Food Pantry gathers and distributes food for families living in the Gasconade R1 school district.  A 501(c)3 organization, part of the Community Foundation of Hermann, it is located at City Hall.  On the 3rd Monday of each month food is picked up at Save-A-Lot and food boxes are assembled.  On the 3rd Wednesday of each month food is distributed to between 60 and 110 families.   Monetary donations are always welcome! Contact 573.486.0557 for assistance.

The Backpack Buddy Program provides healthy snacks for 70+ pre-k through 12th grade R-1 students each Friday

during the school year to ensure nourishment over weekends.  A separate entity of the Hermann Community Food Pantry, it is facilitated by volunteers. “Brown bag backpacks” are filled weekly for around 70 students, costing $5-6 per child per week.

You can “Adopt” a child for the school year for only $216. Donations by check should be mailed to Hermann Community Food Pantry “Backpack Program”, PO Box 501, Hermann, MO 65041.  100% of all donations are used to purchase food.  

Contact Dawn Grosse  573.486.2116 Ext 1315 

The School Backpack Program ensures new backpacks and needed supplies to begin the year for students in need.  Please contact Amy and Brian Grannemann to donate, help organize and distribute the backpacks and supplies.  573.486.3406

After School Bearcats is a weekly mentor program for students in the R-1 school district during the school year. Students identified by the school social worker have music or art time, a snack and one on one time with a mentor to help with school work and visit. Our volunteers love working with their mentees and we hear the students love it too!

The Community Christmas Program provides gifts to needy children in the R1 school district.  It is a combination of “Adopt A Family” and “Toys for Tots”, with opportunity to provide for a whole family or simply donate toys, books and clothes. Families are selected by the Gasconade R1 Social Worker and asked to provide a list of toys and clothing sizes for each child.  The target is provision of 5 gifts (about $75 worth) per child.  

In 2020 it supported approximately 80 families with 180 children.  Monetary donations are also welcome! It is managed by Dawn Grosse and Bartow Molloy, assisted by volunteers.

CASA, Court Appointed Special Advocates for Children supports children of abuse or neglect under the protection of the Gasconade and Franklin County Juvenile Courts. Through highly trained volunteers childrens’ needs are advocated for throughout their time before the court, securing a safe and permanent home for them.  A not for profit program, funding is through federal, state, and local grants, donations and fundraisers. CASA Volunteers must be 21 years or older with a minimum of a GED, willing to take a stand for a child. Volunteers complete an intense screening process and training before being sworn in and appointed by the judge.  Volunteer Coordinator Lynne Hoeing mans the CASA office at St. Paul. on Wednesdays.  Contact Lynne at 636-649-0327, Monday through Friday. 

St. Paul hosts a Red Cross Blood Drive annually in Fellowship Hall. Members run the canteen, provide food items and assist with donor sign ins.  Our members donate blood through this and other area blood drives.

Birthright provides emergency assistance with baby related goods and confidential support for women who are worried about a pregnancy, need someone to talk to without judgment or a pregnancy test.  It is located at 134 East 4th Street in Hermann and is open Monday and Friday 3-6 pm and Wednesdays 9 am - 1 pm

24 hour toll free hotline 1.800.550.4900.  To offer your help, contact Sharen Speckhals.  573.220.0965

Gasconade County R-1 Label Collection

Our members collect Box Top labels from red box top label from General Mills, Kleenex, Betty Crocker, Nestle, Green Giant, Cottonelle, Ziploc and Best Choice products, which schools can redeem for money to be used for education.   Campbells is no longer accepting labels for education.  Box tops and labels are collected in a box on the table outside the church office.

Receipts for purchases at Village Market Grocery are collected, with 1% returned to the church.

Ferals in Peril, Inc. is a non profit volunteer organization that traps, neuters and releases homeless cats, cutting down the homeless population in Hermann.  They support those willing to foster a cat or kittens until permanent homes can be found.  They assist in finding low cost spay or neuter and keep a list of missing or found cats.
 They meet the first Tuesday of each month  at 6:30 pm 

at the Hermann Scenic Regional Library.  

If you are willing to help or would like to make a donation, contact Nancy Johnston at 573.486.2004 Facebook:FeralsInPerilincHermannMo


Mailing address:  PO Box 352, Hermann, MO  65041

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